Martin Lubenov was born in 1976 in Sofia. He studied the accordion with Angel Vangelov. Since 1996, he has been working as a musician in Switzerland, the United States, and since 2000 in Vienna, where the mutual enrichment of the musician Martin and the Viennese art scene began.
Not yet 25 years old, with his album “Dui Droma” (Two roads), he created one of the most interesting artistic projects on the world stage. He became famous for his ethno-jazz performances, created the folklore group “Martin Lubenov Orchestra” and the ethno-jazz group “Jazzta Prasta”.
Martin Lubenov is one of the most extraordinary accordionists of our time – a virtuoso, comedian and storyteller at the same time. With roots preserved in the Roma music of the southern Balkans and the most refined Bulgarian ethno-jazz, he has created his own musical language in which he mixes the ingredients, generously adds his unique intonation and breaks all the clichés about “Balkan music”.
The video was shot by project “Panorama of Roma culture” under the “Cultural Entrepreneurship, Heritage and Cooperation” program, with the financial support of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEF) 2014-2021.